Sunday, 7 November 2010

An unforgettable evening...

So as part of my role at Edelman ( I write blog posts for Puma 
Take a look below for some examples... 

Whether you’re at school, university or work, evenings are everything…freedom! Especially the Friday and Saturday nights – the lie in the next day normally guarantees a good night out. That Friday night feeling and Saturday Night Fever are probably two of our favourite past times. The two evenings that make you get up and jump to ‘I gotta feeling…ooo ooo, that tonight’s gonna be a good night’ – ok, well it makes us sing and dance anyway! 

So what is the key to an unforgettable evening? A great house party? A trip to the pub with friends? A dinner party with strangers? A club? Oh the choices! I wonder if you could ever do all four in one night…wow that would be one hell of a night. Epic. Think we’d probably miss out of some good bits though of each shindig, so let’s starts with the house party. Cheap, no curfew (unless you have non-partygoer parents – would be awesome if they did hangout though!), music of your choice, people of your choice. Casual. Awesome. A bit of hassle though if you’re hosting. Try the pub outing then. Simple, convenient, relaxed – the perfect opportunity to chat over a good beer or glass of wine. But where’s the opportunity to dance? We may as well get in a bit of exercise too! Music, shots and just having a good old laugh at each others’ moves and grooves on the dance floor. To really get into the Saturday night fever mode, why not imitate John Travolta’s style… mmmmnn maybe not. Let’s not get too carried away here, we are cool kids after all. Finally the dinner party then. Key ingredients: good company, food and wine. You can’t really go wrong here – seriously we’ve done the leg work, they always seem to be successful and you’re guaranteed several free dinners after! Just make sure you mix the right people, that’s all we can say.

Tell us about your perfect evening then – all of the above or something completely different? It’s about time we try something new so open to suggestions no matter how crazy and wild they are!

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