Friday, 12 November 2010

What gets you up the morning? (PUMA)

I hate mornings. When the alarm goes off, you’re all wrapped up in bed, warm and cosy. Sleepy, so sleepy. How do you make that almighty, plying yourself from the covers, can’t move it’s too comfy, get out of bed push? Do you have a mum shouting at you from downstairs? Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend pushing you out of bed (better option)? Or do you have that, yes I’ve got a good day ahead of me, can’t wait feeling? What gets you up in the morning?

Christmas, birthdays and other special occasions always wake us up with a smile. No matter what age, we are up early opening stockings and being English, probably having some sort of alcohol concoction at the same time. Birthdays are exactly the same as is graduation and trips out – anything which is not routine. Ah so maybe routine is key…

How many times has your alarm gone off for school, uni lectures or work and you’ve contemplated skiving the day? But you haven’t. Instead you’ve gotten out of bed, zombied into the shower and shoveled down breakfast, running out the door afraid you’re going to be late. What makes you not skive the day then? Because you’re motivated; motivated by work, motivated by play. The world will always go round.

We say live life to the full – you only live once after all. What does that mean for you then? Progressing at school, uni and work perhaps. A sky dive, a bungee jump, traveling around the world – the list is endless and that is why life is so exciting, and that is why you get up in the morning – you never know what is round the corner…

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